Theodore Michael Kane

Theodore (Teddy) Michael Kane finally greeted us on Thursday, June 11th at 10:04 am weighing 8 lbs 12 oz and 20 3/4 inches. Thankfully, it was a pretty fast and easy delivery (thank you second pregnancy + epidural!!!). Once Teddy came out, he was having difficulty breathing and thankfully the NICU team was in the room to take care of him. I got to hold him for a quick minute before they took him up to the NICU to give him oxygen and monitor his breathing. It was probably the scariest time of both Zach and my lives. Zach didn't leave Teddy's side for the whole 6-7 hours he was in the NICU. Finally he was cleared after his oxygen and breathing levels were stabilized and he could come back down and be with me (and I could finally feed him!). I was able to visit him a couple times while he was in there, but it was so hard not knowing what was going on. I was definitely thankful to have a doctor as a husband that didn't leave Teddy's side and knew (somewhat) what was going on!!

 Emerson in the pink and Teddy in the blue. Don't they look like they could be twins?!

Teddy has been the most chill baby! He barely makes a peep except when he gets hungry or when we have our cooing conversations. He's a great eater and so far has been a good sleeper (we've even had a couple sleeps through the night!) He is the perfect addition to our little family and we couldn't be more in love with him!

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