Six Years.

Friday was our 6 year anniversary! We don't usually make a big deal about it, but we usually try and do something nice around this time. This year, it felt like we were celebrating for a week! It was kind of awesome! 

Part I - I had planned a date night last Sunday to go out to dinner and a movie because with residency starting and not knowing Zach's schedule, I wanted to make sure we at least did something before he got busy. Auntie Jenn and Brian came over to watch Em (there were only minor tears this time) and we went out to celebrate at Melrose Grill in downtown Renton for dinner. Melrose Grill is a delicious steak place and it did not disappoint! A little spendy, but we were celebrating! We both got the Ribeye and it was so good. Probably the best steak I've ever had. We split a bottle of wine and even got dessert. So fancy! It had been so long since we'd been out to a really nice dinner. Such a treat. Then we went to see 22 Jump Street and it was hilarious. I loved it. CT and Jonah Hill definitely have the Bromance thing down. :)

Part II - Zach had planned to go the Mariners game on Friday night (our actual anniversary) so my Mom came over to watch Em and got her Emerson fix. :) It had been forever since we'd been to a game and it also happened to be Fireworks Night! I'm not a baseball fan at all but I do like to go to a game every once and a while. It was fun sitting out in the bleacher seats, people watching, eating greasy ballpark food and after the game (they won!), watching the fireworks! It was nice that we got to see some fireworks too, since we will probably be at home on 4th of July with Em in bed. Haha. Or maybe we'll get adventurous and see how long she can last out and about... TBD... :) It was such a great night! 

So much fun celebrating how far we've come over the past 10 years of knowing each other. I love the life we have grown together and our little family. Here's to many many more years of love, fun, and most importantly, laughter! :) I love you mister.

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