My First Mother's Day

The past week has been quite busy around the Kane household... My birthday, Mother's Day and Teacher Appreciation Week! I had a great Birthday and Mother's Day and definitely got spoiled by my hubby and the little stinker. The hubby got me a piece of art that I had really been wanting (for my bday) and then a spa day complete with facial and massage (for mother's day). Spoiled. Too bad I couldn't schedule the spa day until the end of June because we are jam packed with events every weekend until Zach starts residency mid-June! Oh well, it will be great whenever it is! 

At daycare, they had a "Moms and Muffins" breakfast Friday morning. It was so cute! Em and I did a little DIY art project and then got our picture taken - so sweet. I love our daycare!

I also got breakfast in bed for Mother's Day! Eggs Benedict, coffee, and orange juice and a sweet homemade card (Emerson even "signed" it!). So sweet and I felt very loved this whole week. We had both sides of our families over to celebrate Mother's Day on Sunday. Unfortunately, Em was running a fever and has a little cold... she was a little clingy to me the whole day and was definitely more fussy than her usual cheerful self.  Zach took her to the doctor this morning (weird, right?) and she has some fluid behind her eardrum, most likely because of her cold. :( Poor thing. Still has a little fever and if it still hasn't broken by Wednesday, back to the doctor we go. Thankfully, she was acting more like her normal self today with Daddy - some giggles and smiles, but more snugly than her usual busy body self. I don't like it when my baby is sick!

My first Mother's Day was awesome and I definitely have a greater appreciation for my own mother (and mother-in-law) now. I don't think you can fully understand until you are a mother yourself, the sacrifice and love that your own mother has for you. It's pretty amazing and I have so much respect for such awesome women! I love you Mama! Love you Nae!

How was your Mother's Day? Do anything exciting or fun? I hope it was filled with lots of yummy good, some good sleep and as little poopy diapers as possible! :)

1 comment

  1. Emerson looks a lot like you did as a baby...she's such a cutie. I do miss having babies around.
    God bless.


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