Three Months

Whoa... I'm a little behind... ok a lot behind. But better late than never, right?! Time is flying and I am having so much fun watching her grow up and learn new things every day. I love being a Mama and especially to little Miss Emerson. 

Month three brought lots of smiles and giggles. My favorite things by far. She is such a happy girl and loves to laugh at her Mama making funny noises and faces. Month three also brought much more fussiness. Up to this point she had been doing really well with very few cry-fests. Month three brought many consecutive nights of fussiness before bed during the "witching hour." Did I mention baby cries are the worst, most heart wrenching sound ever?! We are still figuring it out though... working on getting a solid bed time routine down and eventually will be working on transitioning to her sleeping in her own room in her crib. That will come when she doesn't wake us up during the night anymore though. We are still getting up once a night with her, which isn't too bad, but I can't wait til I can get 8 hours of uninterrupted sleep again (if ever?!?!). 

Let's see, what else? She's still a really good eater. She loves being tall and walking around, taking everything in. We have "conversations" now that consist of us saying "whooooo" back and forth to each other. It's the cutest ever and I can't wait til she starts talking more (I might regret saying this... haha)! She's also drooling a ton and loves putting EVERYTHING in her mouth. She's so good at grabbing things now. Then straight to the mouth. She also loves her tongue and will stick it out any chance she gets. 

We didn't do a ton throughout November since Zach was working a rotation with *hopefully* his future residency program. That meant long hours and six days a week at the hospital. Em and I got lots of good bonding time in though! 

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